Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Works In Progress

 I have several things in progress.

Submitted to possible publishers:

A long poem - persuasion story - titled After the Funeral - is with 

A contemporary gothic romance novel titled Hungry Ghosts was sent to Florida Coast writers for possible publication

I have poems out several places.

I have a short story out to One Story.

Still being written:

Chosen Poets contemporary gothic romance trilogy is far from finished.

I am working on organizing my poetry and submitting 10 poems to somewhere - I have lost the org they need to go to. 

Excited about:

I made a pinterest board here for a persuasion story I am writing about the woke culture. If I finish it in time I may submit it to Mudroom Magazine - deadline 1/25/2023.

I'm gonna write.

Leaving you with this - which has nothing to do with anything but lately it's an earworm. (I refuse to polarize and am listening even though the amazing Juliette Lewis is a

Come To My Window by Melissa Etheridge

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