Monday, December 25, 2023

Happy holidays & forget the Who's in Whoville - there's a new Dr Who


Ncuti Gatwa

His name is pronounced shootie got wa. He is a Rwandan Scottish actor and for a brief period I thought we were going to have a Dr in a kilt. Alas no such luck.

Still - Ncuti is a cutie and I am enjoying him as the doctor so far!

So happy holidays y'all!

Lindsey Stirling - Master of Tides - one of my favorite musical things that I found in 2023...

Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Hot Pockets - and not the good kind


In working with my accountability partner I recognized that I have inside myself - hot pockets of resistance - to certain things that are good for me.

One of my personality quirks is - when I label something it starts to reveal itself. 

So I'm expecting hot pockets of resistance to reveal themselves to me in the future.

And my mind will scream & yell when I try to examine them. The questions I am going to ask are - what are they? What purpose are they serving? If they are not serving my growing into the person I want to be - how do I deal with them or get around them?

I'm not going to look for their origin because the origin of most such things is the same and knowing it doesn't change it. It just makes me angry mad woman.

Fuck that. 

Monday, December 4, 2023

Fresh from the framer...

 Here's an instagram link to my painting back from Uncle Larry who framed it for me.

Thanks again to the artist who painted it and gave it to me for my birthday: Tadeusz Deregowski.

Upcoming holidays remind me of this youtube video featuring the Muppets version of Carol of the Bells - enjoy!